July 18, 2012
Youth: If teachers on the Danish institutes of education don’t acknowledge the children and young people’s motivation for engaging in sustainability, we risk losing the innovation power of an entire generation on the floor. And then Denmark will be in serious trouble. This is the main conclusion in Social Action’s contribution, which was published in the trade journal: Skolen i Morgen (The School of Tomorrow) together with articles written by Lars Kolind and Steen Hildebrandt.
We have been asked to contribute with our idea of the future’s sustainable education.
To us it is very simple: New and imaginative ways to live in the world should be invented within all disciplines: Law, Chemistry, rhetoric, construction and so on. It implies that children and young people should end up being smarter than you and I. And smarter than their teachers too. It is just this change from teaching our students to carry on the society of their parents to teaching them to reinvent the society, which separates the angle of the education, which is needed today, to the education, which we ourselves got.