Undersøgelse om online dagligvarehandel i samarbejde med Aarstiderne
Sammen med Københavns Kommune undersøger Social Action, hvor gode vi i København er til at dele med hinanden.
Social Action foretager måling af social sammenhængskraft og værdiskabelse i Københavns nye grønne oase.
Social Action hjælper Copenhagen Film Fund og Det Danske Filminstitut med at skabe bæredygtige retningslinjer.
Vi hjælper kommuner og institutioner i arbejdet med at etablere nye, gode vaner hos borgere.
Vi udvikler koncepter for effektmåling og evaluering for at blive klogere på effekten af tiltag og interventioner.
Vi undersøger brugeres adfærd, vaner og behov.
Vi inddrager borgere i udviklingsprocesser og i afprøvningen af nye tiltag.
Vi leverer desk-research og rådgivning om bæredygtig omstilling, hverdagsliv, bottom-up udvikling og forandringer.
Vi holder foredrag og faciliterer workshops om vores metoder og interesseområder.
Social Action har sammen med Københavns Kommune, udviklet et koncept, der skal gøre affaldssortering sjovt og nemt.
Social Action har været med fra starten og følger Troldhedesti-projektet og dets effekter.
Aarstiderne ønsker at forstå danskernes madvaner. Derfor har Social Action været hjemme hos en række danskere.
Social Action var med til at udvikle den sociale og bæredygtige vision for Korsgade og Hans Tavsens Park.
Social Action har gennemført en workshop-række med borgere i lokalområdet for at engagere og involvere dem i processe
Copenhagen Business School har som vision at skabe en ny, innovativ undervisningskultur.
From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models
By Marcos L. Rosa & Ute E. Weiland
3. Pengenes tid 1980-2010
By P.ôtié & Li Kunwu
Design Thinking and the Social Entrepreneurship Movement
By Eve Blossom
Sparking positive change and making it last
By Marshall Goldsmith
The dark mountain manifesto
By Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine
Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives
By Gretchen Rubin
A project by the institute for figuring
By Margaret Wertheim & Christine Wertheim
Conversations about architecture as the ultimate business tool
By nbbj
How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
By Walter Isaacson
I samarbejde med Gehl forsøger vi at løse et svært problem i vores tid: at måle på social impact.
Because he invented the technique to reuse old bricks for new buildings.
Because she wrote her poetic diary from when she was age 11 in 1914 until her death.
Maps for a Narrative Atlas
By Denis Wood
How Food Shapes Our Lives
By Carolyn Steel
By Robert Lanza & Bob Berman
Conversations with Paul Cronin
By Paul Cronin
Creativity, the gift of failure, and the search for mastery
By Sarah Lewis
With essays by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Carl Zimmer
By Rachel Sussman
Vi har forsøgt at forstå affaldssortering på tværs af sprog og kulturelle baggrunde.
Et filmisk samarbejde med arkitekt Jan Gehl om det at skabe liv i og omkring de mange nybyggerier i større byer.
Sammen med COBE har vi udviklet et Entreprenørskabskollegium. Det skal inspirere til bæredygtig iværksætteri.
Because he is working to create an multi-planetary culture while making electrical cars on Earth
Because he suggest more 'do tanks' instead of 'think tanks'

November 24, 2014
Social Action arranged Denmark's biggest conference on Industrial Symbiosis
August 19, 2014
Kom til fest i Tårnet

December 5, 2013
Feel free to apply or spread the message.

December 2, 2013
Among other things we are creating a 45 meter long poster that shows the history of Earth.
If you embrace the café life, your network might expand in directions you can't imagine.
Some thoughts on how not to have any regrets on your deathbed.
What can we learn from the way island communities operate?
Follow the development of it over the next few months and years ;)
A way to make neighbours aware that they can change their neighbourhoods.
A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years
By Jared Diamond
75 Artists Illustrate Wondrous Mysteries of Science
94 % of the money in Denmark dosn't exist physically. Where are they being created? - Part 1
Vi har været en del af vinderteamet, der sammen har skabt et koncept for en grøn udvikling af Gellerupparken i Aarhus.
August 16, 2013
At Social Action we love maps that show patterns you don't see but live within.
Because she makes films with heart; not brains - and maybe the most inspiring, border-seeking Danish director we know.
Social Action har deltaget i konkurrencen ”Kan vi Tegne et Nyt Land” udskrevet af Statens Kunstfonds Arkitekturudval
A nice summer read about people, choices and behaviour.
July 29, 2013
Scion AV Studio travelled around the US asking young people: Where are we headed?

July 11, 2013
We are asked to be provocative. Don't worry. We will be.
An appeal to politicians to get out and experience the real world of business.
Social Action har via kvalitative interviews og observationer indsamlet borgeres erfaringer med affaldsbeholdere.
July 6, 2013
It's visual, with few words and animated! Freshly made!

July 6, 2013
We are selected to present at the closed event ‘Communicating the Obvious’.
If you want to buy quality goods, it may be harder than you think.
July 2nd, 2013
Just published! Den Gode Avis has 3 sections: Local news, Global news and Inspirational news.
And please listen to this track while looking at it:
April 12, 2013
We talk about bollen in Göteborg Post today. See the article here.
The future partnership of sustainability and quality. Presented in the form of German vodka.
April 5, 2013
The Guardian article on what's cooking inside Coca-Cola, IKEA and Kingfisher.

April 2nd, 2013
First drawings made for a strategic and experimenting presentation made for Kalundborg.
The film is exhibited at the Danish Archi-tecture Center until June. Theme: Copenhageners are taking back their harbour.
Sammen med Henning Larsen og SLA har vi hjulpet Göteborg Älvstad med at udvikle deres nye frihavn.
Towards an Anthropology of Consumption
By Mary Douglas & Baron Isherwood
Birth of a 21st Century Museum
By Ulf Larsson
Use X Factor to get out of your comfort zone.
March 7, 2013
How can you communicate what you actually want to put money into as a public foundation?
Social Action har foretaget en brugerundersøgelse for Syd Energi baseret på 24 kvalitative interviews.
February 28th, 2013
Support the wolves in Denmark before farmers create to much resistance.
Read about what it is; who is publishing it;
and where to get a physical copy.
10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs
By Gunter Pauli
Because she is on an art mission from nature.
Because he probably is the smartest man we can think of.
Profits, People, Purpose; Doing Business by Respecting the Earth
By Ray Anderson
Vi har arbejdet for at skabe brugerorienterede insulin-løsninger til fattige med diabetes i Indien og Kina.
Because he showed us the mathematical equations that help us understand how nature design itself.
How TerraCycle Is Redefining Green Business
By Tom Szaky
Because he believed in what he called ‘Truth Facts’ and let other people see them through simple, revealing actions.
It's free for students and happens in our tower (and you'll learn Photoshop and InDesign as a bonus).
Social Action asks Børsen's readers what to do in the new year.
Because she makes it easy to understand the most complex of natural phenomena.
A forgotten Danish classic from 1981
By Tom Mikkelsen
Arbejderkooperationen i Danmark 1852-2012
By Henning Grelle
Skabelse af organisatorisk platform til optimering af samarbejdsprocesser blandt LEGO-afdelinger
Social Action udførte over 30 interviews med relevante producenter af organisk affald.
Social Action har udviklet et mobilt-værktøj til regnskovsbevaring.
Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
By Wade Davis
Vi har lavet en tre-minutters video, der fortæller en kompleks historie i en let forståelig tone.
Lokal forankret bæredygtig transformation af Søndermarken i Vejle med afsæt i områdets levede liv.
Because he shows nature and its beauty in the simplest of ways.
Read why the new advertisements from Danske Bank is the worst communication in 2012.
SKOV A/S is continuing to improve low energy ventilation. We help showing the complex technology in simple ways.
Because he found out that he could change the world by mixing art and technology and went for it.
By Bruce Mau and The Institute without Boundaries
Vi har udviklet en film for Syd Energi. Filmen formidler kort og præcist de økonomiske fordele ved solenergi.
Because she focuses her creative mind to see the magic in everyday things, making the day matter more to many.

By Peter Gundelach, Bettina Hauge & Esther Nørregård-Nielsen
DR informs: Sorting pilot study among 400 households - user evaluated by Social Action - now distributed to all househol
New Nordic - et manifest
Because he, unlike many of his peers, is open to use his influence to re-arrange how economy works.
Weekendavisen om Social Actions Louisiana film: "En bedre repræsentant for Danmark vil det være svært at finde."
A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently
By Gregory Berns
Because he uses simple and poetic means to show you the last phases in a social group desolving.
Because he, after many scientific breakthroughs and insights, said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Social Action was nominated. Read the nomination article from Monday Morning here.
Because he made buildings that visually paid homage to our roots in the sublime and chaordic nature.
Because he wrote about visions in a language everyone could understand.
Because he wrote the book “the Birth of the Chaordic Age”.
Build of new factories in Denmark in order to manufacture products for the future - and to keep industrial jobs in the c
The film is showing the purpose of the foundation and includes an interview with the responsible Minister. Boom.
More bans, please. Social Action involves itself in debate on bans in Danish newspaper.
Because he was one of the first CEOs of an industrial company who set the direction to become a complete sustainable for
March 2010, Lecture at Ethnology/MACA, Lund University
Because they made great design, great exhibitions, great movies and great children (we’ve spoken with one of them;)).
Our first major film made for ELFORSK. This film started our move into animation and the moving image.
A fundraising video to show the concept Green Carbon (that advances more nature in Denmark).
Social Action is proclaimed 'Revolutionaries of the Future' by Danish newspaper Information.
Our first film - and therefore WAY too long. But it included a collaboration with star photographer Edward Burtynsky.