Affaldsadfærd i Københavns Kommune
Om Social Action
Hvad vi laver
Vores metoder
Vaner og dagligvarer online - en undersøgelse for Aarstiderne
Undersøgelse om online dagligvarehandel i samarbejde med Aarstiderne
Undersøgelse af deleordninger i Københavnske boligforeninger
Sammen med Københavns Kommune undersøger Social Action, hvor gode vi i København er til at dele med hinanden.
Effektmåling for BaneGaarden og DSB Ejendomme
Social Action foretager måling af social sammenhængskraft og værdiskabelse i Københavns nye grønne oase.
Det Danske Filminstitut
Copenhagen Film Fund
Urbanplanen - en alternativ tilgang til bedre affaldssortering
Social Action hjælper til bedre affaldssortering i området gennem samskabelse og inddragelse af lokale ressourcer.
Boligforeningen 3B
Bæredygtig film- og tv produktion
Social Action hjælper Copenhagen Film Fund og Det Danske Filminstitut med at skabe bæredygtige retningslinjer.
Kolding Kommune
Københavns Kommune
Hvad vi laver
Adfærdsændrende interventioner
Vi hjælper kommuner og institutioner i arbejdet med at etablere nye, gode vaner hos borgere.
Hvad vi laver
Effektmåling og evaluering
Vi udvikler koncepter for effektmåling og evaluering for at blive klogere på effekten af tiltag og interventioner.
Hvad vi laver
Brugerundersøgelser og servicedesign
Vi undersøger brugeres adfærd, vaner og behov.
Hvad vi laver
Borgerinddragelse og samskabelse
Vi inddrager borgere i udviklingsprocesser og i afprøvningen af nye tiltag.
Hvad vi laver
Research og rådgivning
Vi leverer desk-research og rådgivning om bæredygtig omstilling, hverdagsliv, bottom-up udvikling og forandringer.
Hvad vi laver
Foredrag og workshops
Vi holder foredrag og faciliterer workshops om vores metoder og interesseområder.
Påvirkning af affaldsadfærd i Københavns Kommune
Social Action har sammen med Københavns Kommune, udviklet et koncept, der skal gøre affaldssortering sjovt og nemt.
Effektmåling af udviklingen på Troldhedestien i Kolding
Social Action har været med fra starten og følger Troldhedesti-projektet og dets effekter.
Vores metoder
Vores metoder
Vores metoder
Social Impact Tool
Vores metoder
Aarstiderne - Undersøgelse af danskernes madvaner
Aarstiderne ønsker at forstå danskernes madvaner. Derfor har Social Action været hjemme hos en række danskere.
Nørrebrosjælen - Skybrudssikring og nærmiljø
Social Action var med til at udvikle den sociale og bæredygtige vision for Korsgade og Hans Tavsens Park.
Borgerinddragelse i forbindelse med udviklingen af CBS Campus
Social Action har gennemført en workshop-række med borgere i lokalområdet for at engagere og involvere dem i processe
Evaluering af nye undervisningsmiljøer på CBS
Copenhagen Business School har som vision at skabe en ny, innovativ undervisningskultur.
Handmade Urbanism
From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models
By Marcos L. Rosa & Ute E. Weiland
Et Kinesisk Liv
3. Pengenes tid 1980-2010
By P.ôtié & Li Kunwu
Material Change
Design Thinking and the Social Entrepreneurship Movement
By Eve Blossom
Sparking positive change and making it last
By Marshall Goldsmith
The dark mountain manifesto
By Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine
Rejse i mit kammer
By Xavier deMaistre
Better Than Before
Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives
By Gretchen Rubin
Crochet Coral Reef
A project by the institute for figuring
By Margaret Wertheim & Christine Wertheim
Change Design
Conversations about architecture as the ultimate business tool
By nbbj
The Innovators
How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
By Walter Isaacson
Effektmåling for Nordea-fonden
I samarbejde med Gehl forsøger vi at løse et svært problem i vores tid: at måle på social impact.
Rudi Rusfort
Because he invented the technique to reuse old bricks for new buildings.
Anaïs Nin
Because she wrote her poetic diary from when she was age 11 in 1914 until her death.
More Than Human
By Tim Flach
Everything Sings
Maps for a Narrative Atlas
By Denis Wood
Hungry City
How Food Shapes Our Lives
By Carolyn Steel
By Robert Lanza & Bob Berman
Werner Herzog - A Guide for the Perplexed
Conversations with Paul Cronin
By Paul Cronin
The Rise
Creativity, the gift of failure, and the search for mastery
By Sarah Lewis
The Oldest Living Things In The World
With essays by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Carl Zimmer
By Rachel Sussman
Harvesting the Biosphere
By Vaclav Smil
At forstå affald gennem immigranters øjne
Vi har forsøgt at forstå affaldssortering på tværs af sprog og kulturelle baggrunde.
At skabe liv mellem bygninger - film med Jan Gehl og Realdania
Et filmisk samarbejde med arkitekt Jan Gehl om det at skabe liv i og omkring de mange nybyggerier i større byer.
Idé- og konceptudvikling af Entreprenørskabskollegiet
Sammen med COBE har vi udviklet et Entreprenørskabskollegium. Det skal inspirere til bæredygtig iværksætteri.
Elon Musk
Because he is working to create an multi-planetary culture while making electrical cars on Earth
Gunter Pauli
Because he suggest more 'do tanks' instead of 'think tanks'
News from the office
Social Action arranged a conference on Industrial Symbiosis
November 24, 2014
Social Action arranged Denmark's biggest conference on Industrial Symbiosis
News from the office
Fest i Tårnet
August 19, 2014
Kom til fest i Tårnet
News from the world
Bad news: Children still reject healthful food. Good news: It now becomes compost.
August 18, 2014
Children of New York are recycling
News from the office
We are looking for a new intern.
December 5, 2013
Feel free to apply or spread the message.
News from the office
Social Action is working with TEDxCopenhagen for a climate event at the UN. Come and join on December 9th!
December 2, 2013
Among other things we are creating a 45 meter long poster that shows the history of Earth.
News from the office
Social Action on facebook! Totally like.
December 2, 2013
Follow what we get inspired by from around the world on our new the fb-page.
News from the world
4. rapport fra Atlanterhavet – følg en antropologi-studerende på en ekspeditionsbåd (in Danish only)
November 12, 2013
News from the world
3. rapport fra Atlanterhavet – følg en antropologi-studerende på en ekspeditionsbåd (in Danish only)
November 10, 2013
News from the world
Wood catalyse a sustainable turn in the building industry
November 5, 2013
News from the world
2. rapport fra Atlanterhavet - følg en antropologi-studerende på en ekspeditionsbåd (in Danish only)
October 28, 2013
News from the world
Rapport fra forsknings-ekspedition på Atlanterhavet (in Danish only)
October 23, 2013
Følg en antropolog-korrespondent på ekspedition med forskningsskibet R/V Knorr
In the media
October 21, 2013
Some thoughts on the human anatomi and how to manage the things within our reach.
News from the office
Lecturing on waste behaviour at Techno Anthropology, Aalborg University, November 20th - - come and join
October 13, 2013
News from the world
See a video on how a teacher gets natural science under the skin of under-achievers
October 12, 2013
News from the world
See how a billboard can make water for a local community in Peru
October 12, 2013
In the media
October 9, 2013
If you embrace the café life, your network might expand in directions you can't imagine.
In the media
October 7, 2013
Some thoughts on how not to have any regrets on your deathbed.
In the media
September 27, 2013
What can we learn from the way island communities operate?
News from the world
September 19, 2013
News from the world
Overpopulation is not the problem
September 17, 2013
In the media
September 15, 2013
The curse of mastering a tool is that it sometimes defeats the purpose.
News from the world
Functional 'mechanical gears' seen in nature for the first time
September 12, 2013
News from the world
New science on the social of life
September 10, 2013
In the media
September 8, 2013
Extend your collection of Danish words.
News from the world
This week's image
September 7, 2013
The Social Conquest of Earth
By Edward O. Wilson
Public research
Download our new 2 hour presentation on industrial symbiosis innovation
September 1, 2013
Remember to read the notes - and not only look at the images!
News from the world
Google and UNDP in infographic collaboration
August 31, 2013
Check it out here.
Private: Art
Private: Art
A new idea... obviously just a sketch
Follow the development of it over the next few months and years ;)
Private: Art
A way to make neighbours aware that they can change their neighbourhoods.
News from the office
NASA, Samsø and Social Action to speak at conference about future island communities
August 21, 2013
Guns, Germs and Steel
A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years
By Jared Diamond
Fremtidens Forstæder
The Where, the Why, and the How
75 Artists Illustrate Wondrous Mysteries of Science
In the media
August 18, 2013
94 % of the money in Denmark dosn't exist physically. Where are they being created? - Part 1
In the media
Social Action in new book by Realdania
August 18, 2013
En ny og grønnere Gelleruppark
Vi har været en del af vinderteamet, der sammen har skabt et koncept for en grøn udvikling af Gellerupparken i Aarhus.
News from the world
40 maps that will help you make sense of the world
August 16, 2013
At Social Action we love maps that show patterns you don't see but live within.
Jytte Rex
Because she makes films with heart; not brains - and maybe the most inspiring, border-seeking Danish director we know.
Social Action har forsøgt at tegne et nyt land
Social Action har deltaget i konkurrencen ”Kan vi Tegne et Nyt Land” udskrevet af Statens Kunstfonds Arkitekturudval
News from the office
Only in Danish: Sidste chance for at få praktikplads.
August 9, 2013
News from the office
Working with Kristian Bartholin Holm - see his graduation stop motion pic from the architecture school here (2008).
August 9, 2013
News from the world
Is power making you less able to feel empathy?
August 7, 2013
News from the world
If you have 2 hours, this film will blow your mind
August 6, 2013
About who is printing your money.
News from the world
It's here: The world's largest traffic jam - in China.
August 5, 2013
260 km long.
News from the world
Capitalism tomorrow
August 3rd, 2013
News from the world
This week's image
July 31, 2013
In the media
July 29, 2013
A nice summer read about people, choices and behaviour.
News from the world
On where to follow science easily on the internet - - from Google+
July 29, 2013
For you who think it's ok to be smart.
News from the world
Young Americans - where are we headed?
July 29, 2013
Scion AV Studio travelled around the US asking young people: Where are we headed?
News from the office
Social Action to talk about smart cities at the Internet Governance Forum
July 11, 2013
We are asked to be provocative. Don't worry. We will be.
In the media
July 11, 2013
An appeal to politicians to get out and experience the real world of business.
News from the office
Lecturing about user-driven cleantech at the Copenhagen Business School on Friday
July 10, 2013
...About how to engage communities in cleantech solutions.
Brugerundersøgelse for Vestforbrændingen
Social Action har via kvalitative interviews og observationer indsamlet borgeres erfaringer med affaldsbeholdere.
Public research
Download our new animated presentation here!
July 6, 2013
It's visual, with few words and animated! Freshly made!
News from the office
Invited to closed event with Connie Hedegaard and Olafur Eliasson about climate communication
July 6, 2013
We are selected to present at the closed event ‘Communicating the Obvious’.
In the media
July 4, 2013
If you want to buy quality goods, it may be harder than you think.
Public research
Den Gode Avis
July 2nd, 2013
Just published! Den Gode Avis has 3 sections: Local news, Global news and Inspirational news.
News from the office
Participating in Folkemøde in Bornholm - about green education.
June 10th, 2013
News from the office
Mobilising Jørgen Rosted, Thomas Harttung, Søren Hermansen, SE, Gehl Architects and Niras on new project.
June 10th, 2013
In the media
June 9, 2013
If the Danish prime minister uses this speech for the next election, she will demolish her opponent.
News from the office
Invited for panel w/ Whole Foods, Grundfos and Nike
June 2nd, 2013
In the media
May 27, 2013
16 questions to the people of Denmark
News from the world
More Solar Power than Coal Mining-jobs in the US
May 2, 2013
News from the world
The Future of Sustainability Is Design, Not Communication
April 24
By Steven Johnson from Sustainable Brands
News from the world
Sorting Household Waste Proven to Be Cheaper than Incineration
April 24, 2013
News from the office
Point from the pioneers of new materials
April 22, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
1 of Good magazine's Top 100 talents
April 24, 2013
News from the world
Ethnographic documentaries website
April 21, 2013
News from the world
On what Susan Sontag wrote in her diary
April 20, 2013
Public research
5 minute presentation in Gothenburg
April 19, 2013
News from the world
This week's image
April 17th, 2013
News from the office
We're looking for freelance graphic designers w/ exquisite taste
April 15, 2013
Create design to projects that matter.
News from the office
12 Projects in 1,2 seconds
And please listen to this track while looking at it:
In the media
Nu är bollen er.
April 12, 2013
We talk about bollen in Göteborg Post today. See the article here.
News from the world
Some good advice from Jan Kjærstad
April 12, 2013
In the media
April 7, 2013
The future partnership of sustainability and quality. Presented in the form of German vodka.
News from the world
Super interesting article on sustainable business
April 5, 2013
The Guardian article on what's cooking inside Coca-Cola, IKEA and Kingfisher.
News from the office
How to show the making of local green industries and their export capabilities?
April 2nd, 2013
First drawings made for a strategic and experimenting presentation made for Kalundborg.
In the media
April 1, 2013
Danish media - come on!
News from the world
Amazing radio interview about garbage
March 27, 2013
News from the world
To know but not fully understand
March 27, 2013
Se vores film om Københavns Havn her
The film is exhibited at the Danish Archi-tecture Center until June. Theme: Copenhageners are taking back their harbour.
Social Action laver research-baseret arkitektur
Sammen med Henning Larsen og SLA har vi hjulpet Göteborg Älvstad med at udvikle deres nye frihavn.
Cities for People
By Jan Gehl
The World of Goods
Towards an Anthropology of Consumption
By Mary Douglas & Baron Isherwood
Cultures of Creativity
Birth of a 21st Century Museum
By Ulf Larsson
News from the world
Strong mental images can change your behavior
March 21, 2013
News from the world
Ferdinand Cheval the postman & the ideal palace
March 21, 2013
Going Public
Public Architecture, Urbanism and Interventions
By Gestalten
News from the world
A powerful story about indie gaming
March 12, 2013
Public research
On how to show qualitative research
March 11, 2013
Lund University
In the media
March 9, 2013
Use X Factor to get out of your comfort zone.
News from the office
Helping the new million kroner fund to communicate its purpose
March 7, 2013
How can you communicate what you actually want to put money into as a public foundation?
Brugerundersøgelse for Syd Energi
Social Action har foretaget en brugerundersøgelse for Syd Energi baseret på 24 kvalitative interviews.
How to Find Fulfilling Work
By Roman Krznaric
News from the office
Wolf foundation
February 28th, 2013
Support the wolves in Denmark before farmers create to much resistance.
News from the office
Graphic studies for our new film on Markedsmodningsfonden
February 24, 2013
News from the office
Fact for our ongoing architecture project in Sweden with HLA/SLA
February 17, 2013
Hvad kan man bruge pladsen foran DR til?
I samarbejde med Gehl fik vi til opgave at inkludere DRs ansatte i udviklingen af pladsen foran DRs bygninger på Amager
By Olafur Eliasson
News from the world
Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast
February 11, 2013
News from the world
The Philosophy of Data
February 8, 2013
News from the office
The tower - a new place to work for you in Copenhagen
February 3, 2013
News from the office
Making film-animation for DAC and Gehl Architects for new exhibition
January 29, 2013
News from the office
Taking the train to the home of Håkan Hellmström
January 29, 2013
- with SLA and Henning Larsen.
Danmarks Radio
Syd Energi
News from the world
Read about what it is; who is publishing it;
and where to get a physical copy.
News from the world
Björk reinvents your contact with music, technology and art
Welcome to Biophilia. The love for nature in all her manifestations.
News from the office
Advicing on how to use 10 mio. on industrial symbioses
January 18, 2013
Skabelse af visuel identitet for cirkulær industri-symbiose
Udvikling af brandingsstrategi for verdens første industrisymbiose.
The Blue Economy
10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs
By Gunter Pauli
Because she is on an art mission from nature.
The Whole Earth Catalog
Access to tools
Buckminster Fuller
Because he probably is the smartest man we can think of.
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist
Profits, People, Purpose; Doing Business by Respecting the Earth
By Ray Anderson
Nye design og service-løsninger til udsatte diabetikere
Vi har arbejdet for at skabe brugerorienterede insulin-løsninger til fattige med diabetes i Indien og Kina.
Benoit Mandelbrot
Because he showed us the mathematical equations that help us understand how nature design itself.
Louisiana - Museum of Modern Art
Revolution in a Bottle
How TerraCycle Is Redefining Green Business
By Tom Szaky
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Because he believed in what he called ‘Truth Facts’ and let other people see them through simple, revealing actions.
Private: Art
Sustainability School
It's free for students and happens in our tower (and you'll learn Photoshop and InDesign as a bonus).
Ministerium for fødevarer, landbrug og fiskeri
In the media
December 29, 2012
Social Action asks Børsen's readers what to do in the new year.
Lisa Randall
Because she makes it easy to understand the most complex of natural phenomena.
Det Tøvende Menneske
A forgotten Danish classic from 1981
By Tom Mikkelsen
Det Kooperative Alternativ
Arbejderkooperationen i Danmark 1852-2012
By Henning Grelle
Strategisk samskabelse i nytænkningen af LEGO-afdelinger
Skabelse af organisatorisk platform til optimering af samarbejdsprocesser blandt LEGO-afdelinger
Kortlægning af affaldsadfærd på Bornholm
Social Action udførte over 30 interviews med relevante producenter af organisk affald.
Bevaring af regnskoven via danske mobiltelefoner
Social Action har udviklet et mobilt-værktøj til regnskovsbevaring.
The Wayfinders
Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
By Wade Davis
Simpel kommunikation af højteknologi
Vi har lavet en tre-minutters video, der fortæller en kompleks historie i en let forståelig tone.
Reetablering af Søndermarken i Vejle
Lokal forankret bæredygtig transformation af Søndermarken i Vejle med afsæt i områdets levede liv.
Hvem vi er
Social Action
Andrew Zuckerman
Because he shows nature and its beauty in the simplest of ways.
By Superflex
In the media
December 4, 2012
Read why the new advertisements from Danske Bank is the worst communication in 2012.
Private: Films
New animation about low energy pig stable ventilation
SKOV A/S is continuing to improve low energy ventilation. We help showing the complex technology in simple ways.
Public research
Presentation on experiences from 3 industrial symbioses
December 5, 2012
Steve Jobs
Because he found out that he could change the world by mixing art and technology and went for it.
Public research
Read Social Action's input to the Danish public school reform here
December 4, 2012
Massive Change
By Bruce Mau and The Institute without Boundaries
Vi viser de øknomiske fordele ved solceller
Vi har udviklet en film for Syd Energi. Filmen formidler kort og præcist de økonomiske fordele ved solenergi.
News from the world
News from the office
In the media
In the media
November 22, 2012
Let My People Go Surfing
The Education of a Reluctant Businessman
By Yvon Chouinard
In the media
November 19, 2012
News from the office
Facilitating first Danish conference on the circular economy.
November 10, 2012
Public research
How can images change behaviour?
November 1st, 2012
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Public research
New Nordic Manifest
October 31, 2012
In the media
October 26, 2012
Miranda July
Because she focuses her creative mind to see the magic in everyday things, making the day matter more to many.
News from the office
Throwing event at Louisiana's Boathouse with Bruce Mau
October 24, 2012
News from the office
Social Action won its first architecture competition
October 12, 2012
The Act of Creation
By Arthur Koestler
In the media
October 02, 2012
Klimaets Sociale Tilstand
By Peter Gundelach, Bettina Hauge & Esther Nørregård-Nielsen
In the media
September 19, 2012
In the media
September 03, 2012
DR informs: Sorting pilot study among 400 households - user evaluated by Social Action - now distributed to all househol
In the media
September 1, 2012
In the media
August 22, 2012
Ny fond
In the media
August 6, 2012
New Nordic - et manifest
Jørgen Rosted
Because he, unlike many of his peers, is open to use his influence to re-arrange how economy works.
News from the office
Kolind and Social Action about the education of the future
July 18, 2012
News from the office
The suburb of the future = exploitation of local capacities.
July 18, 2012
News from the office
Combining Refshaleøen to and industrial symbiosis.
July 18, 2012
News from the world
Exhibiting at Louisiana and the Venice Biennal on the propagation of life in cities.
July 18, 2012
Stewart Brand
Because he made the ‘Whole Earth Catalogue’ in the late 1960ies and early 70ies.
In the media
July 9, 2012
In the media
July 6, 2012
Weekendavisen om Social Actions Louisiana film: "En bedre repræsentant for Danmark vil det være svært at finde."
A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently
By Gregory Berns
News from the office
Louisiana project moves into its last phases
June 03, 2012
News from the office
Finishing movie and report on waste behaviour
June 03, 2012
News from the office
Hi World! What are you doing with your batteries and lightbulbs??
June 03, 2012
News from the office
Winning first round to invent the future of the sustainable surburb
June 03, 2012
In the media
May 20, 2012
Gus Van Sant
Because he uses simple and poetic means to show you the last phases in a social group desolving.
Social Action er officiel ambassadør for TedX
Vejle Kommune
In the media
April 15, 2012
In the media
March 27, 2012
In the media
March 25, 2012
News from the office
Prequalified in competition about yet another surburb
March 15, 2012
In the media
March 3, 2012
Mads Brügger
Not because of his irony, but because he wants to tell important stories in new ways.
News from the office
Directing film about Gehl Architects for Louisiana Museum of Art
February 13, 2012
News from the office
Prequalified to advice on the future of the sustainable surburb
February 09, 2012
News from the office
Social Action moves in with the energy sector's Syd Energi.
February 08, 2012
In the media
January 27, 2012
Innovation opstår i billeder
In the media
January 22, 2012
In the media
January 17, 2012
In the media
December 6, 2011
Birth of the Chaordic Age
By Dee Hock
News from the office
Social Action fundraises 500.000 kr. for green education
December 02, 2011
Niels Bohr
Because he stubbornly proclaimed that light could be both particles and waves.
News from the world
On how to change people's behavior
November 18, 2011
News from the world
Tør Göteborg opføre sig så globalt som den i virkeligheden er?
November 18, 2011
News from the world
Build your own toaster from scratch. Price: 1600,00 Euro
November 18, 2011
News from the world
Danish low energy ventilation for pig stables should be better visualized
November 18, 2011
News from the office
The game of the waste billions of the future has begun
November 18, 2011
News from the world
Patagonia fortsætter: “Stop med at købe vores produkter.”
November 18, 2011
Albert Einstein
Because he, after many scientific breakthroughs and insights, said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge."
In the media
November 15, 2011
News from the office
Launching website, new name and logo for Kalundborg Symbiosis
November 04, 2011
News from the office
Travelling to pig farms in Indonesia, Thailand, South Africa and Russia
November 04, 2011
In the media
October 18, 2011
In the media
September 12, 2011
Private: Films
3D test of our Kalundborg Symbiosis logo
We wanted to turn it into a sculpture - - but that never happened...
News from the office
Social Action in Los Angeles to bring back ambitious thoughts
September 05, 2011
Terrence Malick
Because he blends philosophy, existentialism and evolution with popular culture.
In the media
August 28, 2011
SKOV - Klima for vækst
News from the office
Helping one of the first green high schools in the world.
June 19, 2011
News from the office
Beating 84 global firms: Remaking the rivercity of Gothenburg
June 19, 2011
Jørgen Leth
Because he continues to produce what he believes is true.
Public research
Watch our analysis on where Gothenburg needs to go
June 11, 2011
Public research
Architectural workshop in Göteborg
June 11, 2011
Private: Films
Showing the Kalundborg Symbiosis concept in 2:30 minutes
Our video that is used as the official video for the Kalundborg Symbiosis.
In the media
May 22, 2011
News from the world
Conspiracy for Good lanceret i London af bagmanden af Heroes.
May 18, 2011
News from the world
Kalundborg Symbiosen skal spredes til udlandet.
May 18, 2011
News from the world
Indianere i junglen sender os en besked; “Kære Yngre Brødre”
May 18, 2011
News from the world
Designs rolle i klimadebatten på Dansk Design Center.
May 18 2011
News from the world
Bøger: The New Economics + Portraits of the Mind.
May 18, 2011
News from the world
Massive Change Network lanceres i hele verden.
May 18, 2011
News from the world
Grønne uddannelser skal findes på Østersøens Perle.
May 18, 2011
Private: Awards
Monday Morning & DR
Social Action was nominated. Read the nomination article from Monday Morning here.
In the media
May 8, 2011
Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Because he made buildings that visually paid homage to our roots in the sublime and chaordic nature.
Kalundborg Symbiose
Göteborg By
News from the office
ROTOR - a new great studio we've found
April 17, 2011
News from the office
April 13, 2011
News from the office
Help us make the Massive Change Network on June 2nd
April 09, 2011
News from the office
Communicating one of the most awesome projects in the world
April 09, 2011
In the media
April 09, 2011
In the media
April 4, 2011
News from the office
Waste is cool.
April 02, 2011
Confessions of an Advertising Man
By David Ogilvy
In the media
March 20, 2011
Ted Sorensen
Because he wrote about visions in a language everyone could understand.
In the media
March 12, 2011
News from the office
Getting visit from the youth in Egypt.
March 10, 2011
They asked: "How do we create movements?" We said: "You tell us."
News from the office
De-mystifying waste behaviour to make smarter waste solutions
February 26, 2011
News from the office
Launching the Massive Change Network February 24th. Join in.
February 05, 2011
Private: Awards
Social Action wins 1st price in Corporate Social Innovation.
February 05, 2011
In the media
January 19, 2011
Social Action er medlem af Massive Change Network
In the media
January 9, 2011
In the media
December 22, 2010
News from the office
Teaming up with Arkitema to build new neighbourhoods
December 14, 2010
News from the office
Lecturing at the Danish Designschool on CSR and design.
December 14, 2010
In the media
November 6, 2010
Private: Awards
CSR-driven innovation competition
Social Action won 1st price.
Dee Hock
Because he wrote the book “the Birth of the Chaordic Age”.
News from the office
Waste Doesn't Exist - website is launched!
September 26, 2010
News from the office
Saying "Yes, thank you" to be part of X-Faktor.
September 26, 2010
News from the office
Working on the LOVE THE CITY project in Dublin.
September 26, 2010
Design for the Real World
By Viktor Papanek
News from the office
Making greening of society sexy for Dansk Energi
July 13, 2010
News from the office
Cameroon, Taiwan, Greece, Italy, Israel, Iceland, Denmark.
July 13, 2010
News from the office
Communicating design at the Danish Design Center
July 01, 2010
In the media
June 12, 2010
Build of new factories in Denmark in order to manufacture products for the future - and to keep industrial jobs in the c
Private: Films
Film about Fornyelsesfonden
The film is showing the purpose of the foundation and includes an interview with the responsible Minister. Boom.
In the media
June 6, 2010
News from the office
Winning competition to make films about sustainability and welfare.
May 31, 2010 08:04pm
News from the office
Den Onde TV Pejs. En gratis gave fra Social Action.
May 10, 2010
In the media
May 3, 2010
In the media
April 30, 2010
More bans, please. Social Action involves itself in debate on bans in Danish newspaper.
News from the office
Colour test
April 13, 2010
News from the office
Talk at the Copenhagen Business School about making revolutions
March 25, 2010
Ray Anderson
Because he was one of the first CEOs of an industrial company who set the direction to become a complete sustainable for
News from the office
Watch the trailer of our new project by clicking here.
March 15, 2010
Public research
Presenting Research
March 2010, Lecture at Ethnology/MACA, Lund University
Dansk Energi
News from the office
Make website about the future of energy - price 8.000 euro
October 13, 2009
In the media
January 24, 2010
News from the office
We don't know what we have just created, but it looks pretty cool.
December 30, 2009
In the media
December 21, 2009
In the media
November 29, 2009
In the media
November 19, 2009
In the media
November 7, 2009
In the media
November 01, 2009
In the media
October 30, 2009
News from the office
Social Action søger partnere: Skab en bedre verden. In Danish only.
October 14, 2009
News from the office
What to offer a company that intends to use 1 bil on solar panels?
October 13, 2009
In the media
October 13, 2009
News from the office
Facilitating Dublin City Council to liberate communities.
October 04, 2009
News from the office
Apple reinvents CO2 accounting
September 28, 2009
In the media
September 28, 2009
News from the office
Enabling 100 people to teach 8000 pupils about climate change.
September 26, 2009
In the media
September 22, 2009
In the media
September 15, 2009
News from the office
Creating waste concept for energy-producing music festival.
September 12, 2009
In the media
September 9, 2009
News from the office
Project on climate, Hollywood movies and celebrities.
September 04, 2009
News from the office
Learn final cut for free in our exhibition space 1/9 at 13:00.
August 31, 2009
Charles and Ray Eames
Because they made great design, great exhibitions, great movies and great children (we’ve spoken with one of them;)).
News from the office
Our exhibition: Showing cartoon, grass, papers and ethanol.
August 23, 2009
News from the office
Social Action is now VIP Blogger on climate for Børsen.
August 23, 2009
News from the office
This week we made Iben Hjejle laugh
August 23, 2009
In the media
August 17, 2009
News from the office
Join our movie night at the Danish Design Center on Aug 29th at 20:00
July 27, 2009
News from the office
Supporting a CSR-driven innovation tool to inspire SMVs
July 02, 2009
News from the office
Working with the Ministry of Food on the climate conference
July 02, 2009
News from the office
Engaging 44,000 people to turn waste into energy
June 30, 2009
News from the office
Hollywood Project will be magical
June 07, 2009
News from the office
Making Bornholm a real green island
May 23, 2009
News from the office
Photoshoping a Museum of Nature
April 21, 2009
News from the office
Movie Night!
April 05, 2009
News from the office
Making our surroundings sustainable
April 05, 2009
Private: Films
Explaining energy-saving ventilation
Our first major film made for ELFORSK. This film started our move into animation and the moving image.
News from the office
Participating in Beyond Kyoto
March 06, 2009
News from the office
Travelling across Denmark
February 15, 2009
In the media
Interview in Børsen TV during the COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009
Social Action was brought into the studio to comment on the COP15-talks. Watch our views here.
Novo Nordisk
News from the office
Project with top cleantech firm
December 12, 2008
News from the office
Working with Edward Burtynsky
December 05, 2008
News from the office
Invited for roundtable talks by Minister
November 29, 2008
Social Action er medlem af den grønne tænketank Concito
News from the office
Movie-making process
November 01, 2008
News from the office
Social Action in India and China
October 30, 2008
Økonomi og indenrigsministeriet
News from the office
Green Career Day at the University of Copenhagen
April 06, 2008
Green Carbon Initiative
Private: Films
Film of Green Carbon concept
A fundraising video to show the concept Green Carbon (that advances more nature in Denmark).
News from the office
Teaming up with Transsolar and BIG
February 23, 2008
News from the office
Seminar on concept development
February 23, 2008
News from the office
Lecture on green concepts
February 23, 2008
In the media
February 14, 2008
Social Action is proclaimed 'Revolutionaries of the Future' by Danish newspaper Information.
News from the office
MTV Party
January 02, 2008
News from the office
Tools for Sustainable Design
December 15, 2007
News from the office
Social Software
November 26, 2007
Private: Films
Showing a report in a 12 minute film
Our first film - and therefore WAY too long. But it included a collaboration with star photographer Edward Burtynsky.
News from the office
INDEX: Summer Camp
October 15, 2007
News from the office
Concept Development
September 26, 2007
News from the office
Pecha Kucha
September 26, 2007
Verdens Skove
News from the office